2017 GA Participants in GASSSS Program

These participants have submitted a final GASSSS application. 

If your name is not on this list and you have participated in the GASSSS program, please contact Larry Woolf at Lawrence.Woolf@ga-asi.com


GA GASSSS Participant  Company  School Materials Purchased Activity
Shahin Pajoom GA-ICF San Diego STEAM Maker Fest 2016 Del Mar Fairgrounds, CA Supplies for Cryogenic Ice Cream Demonstration and Production Demonstration of Scientific Principles, Discussions with students, parents, and teachers
Landon Carlson GA-ASI/MS Felecita Elementary, Excondido CA Purchased parts for 120 bristlebots kits for an electronics & robot-building lesson.
 Purchased 14 circuit-building kits & batteries for ongoing electronics/programming lessons
I taught a simple electronics lesson to 5 separate classes of 3rd graders during their monthly science rotations. I explained the basics of electricity and demonstrated a sensing robot that could avoid obstacles. I then guided them to build their own simple battle brush robot they could take home out of a toothbrush end, a motor, and a battery. I also explained to the teachers lessons they could to with their classes using the circuit-building kits.
Jonathan Wine GA-ASI Foothills Christian Middle School Supplies and tournament fees for Lego robotics club. Co-coached First Lego League Team from pre-season to Qualifying Tournament. Taught the basics of Lego EV3 sensors and programming, wall-find with touch sensor, line find and line follow with color sensor, etc. The line follower lesson can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDJzyLIhrZc
 Arranged for guest speaker to teach ultrasonic and gyro sensors. Guided the kids to find their own solutions to the 2016 Animal Allies robot challenge and research project …while teaching engineering principles and the Lego Core Values of team-work, discovery, professionalism, cooperation, etc.
Linden Blue GA-ASI/AS La Jolla High School Lenovo Intel Celeron, TasiHome 60W Soldering Iron Kit, #10 Cobalt Jobber Drill Bit and #20 Cobalt Jobber Drill Bit

In-Situ Recovery Uranium Mining / Basics Of Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Michael Allwein GA-ASI Pacheco Elementary School, San Luis Obispo, CA Funding was used to construct a customizable marble track for the classroom. Students are able to place track pieces anywhere they choose on the box to form their own path for the marbles to follow. It permits them to experiment with gravity, momentum, kinetic and potential energy, magnetism and construction. I participated in a field trip to MakerSpace (http://www.slomakerspace.com/). They had technology activities appropriate for Kindergarteners including catapults, lego car derby, magnetic marble tracks and rockets. I provided guidance and assistance.
David Wakayama GA-EMS Poway High School, Poway, CA The base of the robot was purchased with the funding. Interacted with team during simple C++ program development, troubleshooting and loading onto the robot’s motor base. Team successfully tested simple forwards/backwards movement with a controller.
 Reviewed rules and guidelines for the competition.
 Discussed the essays and supplemental materials for the chairmen’s award and entrepreneurship award packages.
 Assisted with locating tools.
Roland Tolliver GA-MFE Ocean Knoll Elementary, Encinitas CA Design & Build Engineering Centers from Lakeshore Learning; Blocks & Blueprints Learning Center from Lakeshore Learning; Engineer a Coaster Activity Kit from Lakeshore Learning We will begin by talking about a GA career and then giving a demonstration of a STEM activity required in my job and then helping the students learn and explore with the purchased STEM materials!
Victoria Wilson GA-ASI/AS Twin Peaks Middle School, Poway, CA The funding is being used for the registration fee for all of the Twin Peaks Middle School’s teams (5 teams-62 students). My husband and I are coaching Wright Stuff (elastic propelled aircraft). The kids will learn basic aerodynamics and principles of aircraft flight as well as experimenting with and constructing their own planes for the competition at the Science Olympiad. I have helped them build their airplanes and then assisted in test flights.
Haley Kim GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls to encourage them to consider engineering careers. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Lizbeth Alejandra Cazarez GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls to encourage them to consider engineering careers. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Alan Woodward “Woody” Snyder GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls to encourage them to consider engineering careers. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Megan Ameng GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls to encourage them to consider engineering careers. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Dee Wilson GA-ASI/AS Twin Peaks Middle School, Poway, CA Funds will be used to buy resources to support the school's Science Olympiad competition for 2016-2075 Science Olympaid. Funds will primarily include materials to support the various build events. My wife and I are coaching Wright Stuff (elastic propelled aircraft). The kids will learn basic aerodynamics and principles of aircraft flight as well as experimenting with and constructing their own planes for the competition at the Science Olympiad. I have helped them build their airplanes and then assisted in test flights.
Stephen De La Cruz GA-ASI/AS Clairemont High School, San Diego, CA None The subject is game day, however as a branch to that we discuss simulation and mixing of simulation environments with the real world. In this case the advanced cockpit is the subject being discussed. There were 3 breakout sessions with approx. 25 students in each discussion covered simulation and blended environments
Chelsea Tabor GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway CA Woman in Engineering Day at General Atomics (third annual). This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls. School Bus; Supplies for an Engineering Activity; Food for a Networking Lunch. Woman in Engineering Day at General Atomics was hosted by the Woman’s Internal Network at GA (WIN@GA. Twenty two students from Mt. Carmel High Schools with five of their chaperones and the events coordinator for the Poway Unified School District came for the event. Twenty five GA employees’ came to make it all possible as the GA volunteers.
Lane Carlson GA/IFT Science Olympiad, San Diego County The requested donation will be used to purchase supplies for the annual Science Olympiad competition, which is among high school and middle school teams in the San Diego region. I will be the event captain administering one event at the day-long competition called Wright Stuff, in which student build, test and fly rubber-band powered airplanes
Michael Borden GA-ASI/MS Science Olympiad, San Diego County Purchase materials associated with the building, testing, and documenting of a Rube-Goldberg like device I will be refereeing / coaching in the “Mission Possible” Science Olympiad B event, which is for middle schoolers. This will be an exercise in the understanding of machines and simple engineering.
Denielle Ardilla GA-ASI/AS Literacy First Charter School Junior Academy; El Cajon, CA Funding will be used to purchase a 12 outlet charging cart for the Robotics Club laptops and tablets I will provide parental support for the afterschool robotics program. I will discuss with the students the importance of education and what careers are available with a science / technology background and I will be available to answer their questions.
Donna Mirabella GA-ASI/AS Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary; San Diego, CA on-site presentation from the Natural History Museum – Landform Detectives. Volunteering in classroom and speaking about engineering.
James O'Hara GA-ASI/AS Heritage K-8 Charter School, Escondido, CA Materials and essential equipment to support K-12 science competition. Assisting in supervising and judging event.
Janine Hicks GA-ASI/AS Escondido Union High School District, Escondido CA None Event is set up as an open house for girls to speak to participants about different career opportunities.
Kassi Ritter GA-ASI/AS Science Olympiad, San Diego County Funding will be used to purchase testing materials and safety items for the annual Science Olympiad competition. I will be volunteering at an event for the annual Science Olympiad competition. Students will arrive for a written test or for a building competition with a tower, airplane, small car, or bottle rocket already made and I will direct them to properly and accurately perform the testing.
Bradley Michael GA/EMS Parkway Elementary School, Tupelo, MS Learning Resources Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set I will be talking about my career, giving a demonstration on how to code, and working with the class to create codes. Article posted at: http://djournal.com/news/robot-mouse-helps-parkway-elementary-school-students-learn/
Darrell Nakawaki GA-ASI/AS Heritage K-8 Charter School, Escondido, CA The funds allocated to our classroom will be used to purchase a science kit. The Neo/SCI 050-3429 ESCM Pure Power: Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism Kit, For 32 Students I will assist the teacher in demonstrating the effects of magnetism and electricity and light. The kit includes switches, batteries, connecting blocks and lights. With these items circuits can show how voltages and can be doubled and the dependency of lights in series circuits for the circuit to function.
Christopher Kelly GA-ASI/AS Sultan High School, Hesperia, CA None Career day covering 4 sessions talking points including schooling needed, profession overview…
Cameron Peterson GA/SI Syracuse Jr. High School, Syracuse, Utah The donated money will go towards travel expenses for a Rube Goldberg Machine competition in Ohio. Give a demonstration and discussion of manufacturing processes and considerations pertaining to their Rube Goldberg Machine
Wade Binks GA/SI Syracuse Jr. High School, Syracuse, Utah The donated money will go towards travel expenses for a Rube Goldberg Machine competition in Ohio. Give a demonstration and discussion of manufacturing processes and considerations pertaining to their Rube Goldberg Machine
Shane O'Hearn GA/SI Syracuse Jr. High School, Syracuse, Utah The donated money will go towards travel expenses for a Rube Goldberg Machine competition in Ohio. Give a demonstration and discussion of manufacturing processes and considerations pertaining to their Rube Goldberg Machine
Jeff LaBar GA/EMA Creative, Performing, and Media Arts 1) Materials for class activity demonstrating the flow of energy from Sun to Fuel to Utilities to the Home wall outlet, and from the Sun to a Solar powered control system. 2) Control system materials to demonstrate an outdoor Solar Powered Aquaponics system that the class will be installing at the school. 1 presentation in 3 classrooms on where energy comes from, how energy flows through utility and Aquaponics system energy needs and basic design elements.
Matthew Virgen GA-ASI/AS Science Olympiad, San Diego County Funding will be used to purchase testing materials and safety items for the annual Science Olympiad competition. I will be volunteering at an event for the annual Science Olympiad competition. Students will arrive for a written test and/or for a building competition with a tower, airplane, small car, or bottle rocket already made. I will be one of the event supervisors for the bottle rocket event, and I will direct them to properly and accurately perform the testing.
Darrell Nakawaki GA-ASI/AS Heritage K-8 Charter School, Escondido, CA The funds allocated to our classroom will be used to purchase a science kit. The Neo/SCI 050-3429 ESCM Pure Power: Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism Kit, For 32 Students I will assist the teacher in demonstrating the effects of magnetism and electricity and light. With these items circuits can show how voltages and can be doubled and the dependency of lights in series circuits for the circuit to function. Magnets can be used: to demonstrate Lorentz forces from a magnet on the lit bulb. I will assist in one or more of the science centers during the lesson.
Khanh (Kayla) Phan GA-HR San Diego Regional Science Olympiad, San Diego, CA To help purchase a much needed projector to be used at regional meetings and Awards Ceremonies. As part of the Regional Science Olympiad (SO) volunteer team, I will be attending pre-plan meetings in anticipating for the Regional SO competitions for both Divisions B & C.
Raymond Smith GA-ASI/AS Science Olympiad, San Diego County Funding will be used to purchase testing materials and safety items for the annual Science Olympiad competition. I will be volunteering at an event for the annual Science Olympiad competition. Students will arrive for a building competition with a small car powered by a mouse trap already made and I will direct them to properly and accurately perform the testing.
Samantha Martos GA-ASI/MS Morse High School, San Diego, CA Will be utilizing items already available I will be volunteering as a guest lecturer for Morse High’s after school STEM Lecture Series. The title of the lecture is “Career Paths in the Aerospace Industry”. Topics will include: an overview of my path from Morse High to becoming an Engineer at GA, fields of study in Aerospace Engineering, potential jobs in the Aerospace Industry, and how to prepare for engineering while in high school/college.
Kyle Wirth GA-ASI/AS Reidy Creek Elementary; Escondido, CA My wife recently attended a technology presentation and was able to try a Sphero. It is a cool programmable robot that teaches kids the basics of coding. I plan to purchase as many of these as I can (~$130 each). These will be shared with all students in the second grade during their rotations. I will help with the initial setup and installation. Once setup I will help teach all second grade students how to use the product, show examples and do some live programming for them.
William Capinski GA-ASI/AS Sherman Elementary School, San Diego, CA For this project, I will be assisting the technology teacher in implementing STEM lessons involving a programmable robot called an Ozobot Bit 2.0 for kindergarten though third grade students. I will be assisting the teacher in setting up the Sphero software and doing classroom demos of the product. I will also discuss how learning to code at the age of 12 influenced my academic and career path.
Jin Oh GA-ASI/AS AeroEd Group/Kearny Complex High School, San Diego, CA None Kearny Complex High School will be taking a field trip to the SD Air & Space Museum to participate in a day of introduction to aerospace engineering. I will be volunteering my time as a panelist speaking about my career in aviation. The Q&A session is a chance for rising high school juniors to talk about career path and ask questions to those working in the industry.
Don Czechowicz GA/Fusion Grant Elementary School, Santa Monica CA Any New Exhibit Materials, Consumables for Production of Cryogenic Ice Cream We will be giving Science demonstrations, distributing Science Posters, and Doing a couple “Science is Cool” presentations for the entire School and Staff/Parents. Last time there were 200 to 300 attendees.
Sheri Delaware GA-ASI/AS Shoal Creek Elementary School, PUSD A microscope $90 from Amazon, and 3 forensic science kits (The Case of Kidnapped Cookies, $167 and 2 refills $125). I will be talking about my career as an electrical engineer, presenting fundamental science principle and help with the teachers with the science project in the classrooms.
Donna Mirabella GA-ASI Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School, San Diego, CA Technology tools for Kinder classroom. Teacher requested MP3 players for students to listen to ‘books on tape Setting up MP3 players / teaching station. Volunteering in classroom and speaking about engineering
Steven Bagdy GA/EMS San Pasqual High School, Escondido, CA Purchasing Materials needed for primary demonstrations along with mini breadboards to perform an interactive Circuits demonstration. Demonstrations will take place throughout the day with the focus being on the explanation of waves and performing a standing wave demonstration using a Ruben’s Tube that I will be making. After an explanation on standing waves and waves in general, we will move onto discussions on circuits and circuit components, where we will use the breadboards and some other small components to make a few small demo circuits and explain the circuit characteristics.
Eileen Hartsock GA-ASI/AS Society of Women Engineers - San Diego, CA Society of Women Engineers - San Diego, CA We will be approaching engineering problem (building structures and electric cars); then walking high school level students through how to see the problem and design a solution
Michael Deshler GA-ASI/AS Ada Harris Elementary School; Cardiff, CA 4 Dot Robotst 3 Sphero Robots Deshler and other GA engineers will talk and demonstrate to multiple classes - programming, robotics and cyber security.
Steve Celle GA/Fusion Holmes Elementary; San Diego 3-D Printer filament and supplies for the models for each student The goals will be to have the students work together in teams of 3 or 4 and create new ideas on how to improve or invent items that they can use every day. They will have to put their ideas down on paper and be able to explain to me their project ideas. I will input their ideas into a 3D cad system so that they can see what their ideas look like in a CAD presentation. Using the CAD models, they will present their ideas to their classmates. Then I will use the 3D printer to have their ideas come to life. This does several things that are important to STEM. It starts the ideas of a team, working together, create ideas. Another element is that I want the students to be able to communicate their ideas (what good is an idea if you can’t share it).
Candace Gray GA Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair None I am volunteering as a judge for the science fair.
Marwan Azzam GA/EMS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA None Judge at engineer fair.
Lamar Gilliam GA/EMS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA None I will be participating as a judge for Rolling Hills Elementary’s annual science and engineering fair on Monday March 27 from 8:15-10:30AM
Diane Tran GA/EMS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA None I will be participating as a judge for Rolling Hills Elementary’s annual science and engineering fair on Monday March 27 from 8:15-10:30AM.
Simon Abatay GA/EMS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA None Helping with judging of science and engineering student projects.
Gregg Priddie GA/EMS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA None I will be judging a science and engineering fair at the Rolling Hills Elementary School. Also see attached letter email from the Elementary School.
Jacob Wood GA/EMS SWE, San Diego, CA None Helping with science activity with SWE.
Cherish Rodrigues GA-EMS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego, CA None Served as a judge at the 3rd Annual Science and Engineering Fair at Rolling Hills Elementary School. Based on set judging criteria determined grade level award winners and provided brief comments on each project.
Jennifer Chichioco GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Vimala Narasimhan GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls to encourage them to consider engineering careers. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Ioana Diana Broome GA-ASI/AS Poway Unified School District, Poway, CA This funding will support the cost of hosting a High School Engineering day to high potential high school girls to encourage them to consider engineering careers. The event will include introducing the girls to a diverse group of outstanding female GA engineers via a panel discussion, provide the girls with a fun hands on engineering activity, and a tour of the manufacturing facilities for the students and their teachers to showcase the technology and products GA designs and builds.
Jared Cupp GA-ASI/MS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA UAV science giveaways from GA as prizes to science fair winners/entries. Judging the science fair, interacting and encouraging students, talking with teachers about my career.
Lois Yu GA-ASI/AS Rolling Hills Elementary, Rancho Penasquitos, CA None Judging student science projects 815 to 1030 on 3/27/2017
Hugo Carbajal GA-ASI/AS Rolling Hills Elementary School, San Diego CA None Judge the students’ experiments and projects.
Mima Trayanova GA-ASI/AS Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair None Reviewing and interviewing students’ projects and judging their work and effort at the 63rd Annual Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair.
Joe Ippolito GA-ASI/AS Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair None Energy and Environmental Engineering Lead Judge in 2016
Edwin Ward GA-ASI/AS Morse High School, San Diego, CA None STEM talk at School Lecture Hall. I will prepare interesting slides about myself and my background and also show some slides showing some engineering/science concepts (e.g. electromagnetic spectrum) and some of its applications. I may bring in something to play (i.e. Field Fox & antenna) with to peak interest in the students if I can make it interesting enough.
Nikki Casebier GA-ASI/AS Vintage Math/Science Technology Magnet Elementary School, North Hills, CA VEX Robotics Items These items will be used by all students in the robotics club teaching them how to program for robotics. They will also be used in Robotics competitions. I will be spending time at the Robotics meetings lending support to the instructors teaching the students. I also have been providing the computer lab support on recruiting students to the robotics team during their school functions (Nasa Night)
Ngoc (Andy) Tran GA-ASI/AS Mt. Carmel High School, San Diego CA The funding will be used to build the robot representing Mt. Carmel High School in the Regional Science Olympiad Competition. I will be advising students with designing and implementation of their robot.
Aaron Singh GA-ASI/AS Carlton Hills Elementary School, Santee, CA Will purchase 10 Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100 Electronics Discovery Kits for the school. I will be presenting a short lesson on simple circuits and electricity, I will then show the class how to build a circuit, and they will break into groups to use the Circuit Kits to build their own circuits. I will talk about how circuits work, and how they are necessary for use in robotics, and tie that back into a brief discussion on the UAVs we build at GA and what I do here.
David Zhang GA/EMS Living Stream Christian Church, Vista, CA Lego Mindstorms EV3 Robot and Microscope Will demonstrate electronic and mechanical control of robot, and teach basic programming for grown up kids.
Joe Bayer GA-ASI/AS Poway High School, Poway CA Qty two microscopes for 9th Grade Honors Biology Course. Joe Bayer visited and volunteered for an overlapping period. I will be volunteering later in the month as they begin their “cell” period.
Travis Burns GA-ASI San Marcos High School, San Marcos CA None Spoke to 3 classes about how I got my degree, giving back to the community, sensor based circuit design, DMSMS, R&M design, and manufacturability.
Yangyang Yu GA-ASI/AS Stone Rancho Elementary School, San Diego, CA I plan to purchase 3 sets of 6-month supply of the kiwico.com STEAM boxes for a second grade classroom. I assisted the teacher with the Kiwi Crate STEAM box.
Hatim Abu-Shawareb GA Girl Tech STEM Conference and Expo at MiraCosta College Consumable supplies for “Science can be Cool” demonstration of making Cryogenic Ice Cream. Demonstration of “Science Can Be Cool” the making and explaining of cryogenics and making LN2 Cookies and Cream Ice Cream; and “A Look Into The Cosmos” Telescope Observations of The Sun with Questions and Answers of how the Sun Works.
Edward Ortiz GA-EMS Community Montessori Charter School (Poway) Funding will be used to purchase materials to build a ‘Maker’s Cart’. The Maker’s Cart will be a mobile workstation, containing materials for students to build a variety of science related projects. The cart can be moved to any room in the school, allowing access to all interested students and teachers. I assembled the cart, filled the bins with appropriate materials, and put together science kits for the students to use.
Isaac Vega Lopez GA-ASI/AS Foothills Christian Middle School; El Cajon, CA Legoland Tickets to compete in Championship Tournament for robotics club Performed Judging activities for the First Lego League team at Foothills Christian Middle School. Provided feedback related to the presentation, robot design and code to prepare the team for the actual competition.
Justin Stricula GA-EMS San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum None Worked the SnapCircuits tables to help kids (ages 3-7) build “flying saucer” circuits, and various other
circuits. SnapCircuits are sort of like electric Legos.
Terry Tomerlin GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Reg Tomerlin GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
James Meiselbach GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Mark Churchman GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
John Masters GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Casey LaScala GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Collin Alexander GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Kevin Viggers GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Patrick Smith GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Laszlo Papp GA-ASI/AS Our Lady of Perpetual Help School; Riverside CA Science lab supplies and a classroom robotics package. Ten GA-ASI Adelanto employees participated in a science fair that included robotics, additive manufacturing, composite materials, composite manufacturing, solar energy, and science toys . Each employee shared an exhibit and answered questions for the students in grades K-8.
Landon Carlson GA-EMS Felicita Elementary School, Escondido, CA Purchase 5 Sphero sprk+ educational robot balls to explore simple coding skills and build a STEM background in robotics and hands-on based computer control. I gave a demonstration to a group of Felicita school teachers and explained how the robot functioned, how to set it up with the app on an iPad, and how to control it and start programming it with simple commands. I gave them an action plan for how to approach the first few lessons with their students.
Shahin Pajoom GA STEAM Maker Festival Consumable supplies for “Science can be Cool” demonstration of making Cryogenic Ice Cream. We will be doing demonstration of Phase Transitions; Going from Liquid-to–Gas–plus-Solid while making Cryogenic Ice Cream using Liquid Nitrogen. Giving out Science Posters and explaining concepts described in Posters.
Daniel Dugan GA-EMS Riverview Elementary School, Lakeside CA Cost of admission for all six of the 2nd grade classes at the school for a tour of the USS Midway. The field trip integrates engineering, math and social studies. Discussed the carrier and launch and recovery of aircraft, that the technology is changing and then showed videos of the EMALS and AAG systems launching and arresting aircraft.
Austin Miller GA-ASI/AS St. Aloysius Parochial School; Tulare CA I purchased build supplies for Wright Flier (balsa wood aircraft) and Battery Buggy (small electric vehicle). I also purchased some materials/ tools for the students to use while building for these events. I worked with the Battery Buggy team to help them understand the rules of the competition and the requirements for the vehicle they must build. I let the students brainstorm about different ways to meet the requirements and provided feedback. I also worked with the Wright Flier team to cut and glue balsa wood for the wing of the aircraft they are building.
Jonathan Wine GA-ASI/AS Foothills Christian Middle School; Lakeside, CA Snacks and food for team party, team T-shirts, water bottles, robot materials Co-coached First Lego League Team 9050 from pre-season to Qualifying Tournament to Legoland Championship Tournament. Began with teaching practical use of Lego EV3 sensors and programming
Guided the students to find their own solutions to the robot challenge and the research project while teaching engineering principles and the Lego Core Values of team-work, discovery, professionalism, cooperation, etc.
Nicholas Eidietis GA San Diego Cooperative Charter School Mountain View; San Diego CA I purchased a hand-held tesla coil to produce plasmas in air & bulbs during the demonstration & gave it to the teacher with some instruction to enable her to include plasmas when she discusses the states of matter with her students in the future. I gave a ~1 hour presentation & demonstration on the states of matter to 1st/2nd grade class . We discussed atoms, how the various states of matter are differentiated by how the atoms’ electrons interact, what it means to heat atoms and why that changes states. I used liquid nitrogen to expand the kids’ ideas of temperature and what is needed to change states, and to explain air pressure and how it changes. Finally, I demonstrated the formation of plasma and showed the kids where they see them in everyday life.
William Johnstone GA-EMS Escondido Charter High School, Escondido CA Robot parts for FRC robotics club. Three (3) sets of two (2) gear boxes with different gearing ratios and some other assorted parts Mentor software development team. Explained how the different gear boxes would affect speed and torque. Worked with the software developers to troubleshoot a new component added to their robot code.
Jen Labs GA-ASI Eastlake High School, Chula Vista CA A pressure gauge, party blow outs, straws and scissors. Participate in a panel of scientists and engineers and man a booth. Demonstration of how a bourdon tube in a pressure gauge works using pressure gauge as a visual and the blow outs as a hands on activity.
Demonstration of how drag in a pipe/tube works by having kids blow through straws of different diameters and lengths.
Heidi DeClue GA Literacy First Charter School – Liberty Academy High School, Lemon Grove CA Purchase 4 TI84 Graphing Calculators Spoke with the students about careers in Engineering, and also supporting roles (ie. HR/Business) and I observed a math lesson in the classroom using the newly acquired equipment.