Awards and Recognition

California Teachers Association - State Gold Award
 General Atomics-Educational Outreach "For their support of education" NEA, 1997

Channel 10, San Diego (KGTV – ABC) Leadership Award Award to Patricia Winter

American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics recognizes General Atomics for their part in the first US- Russian Olympiad Summer, 1999

“Distinguished Associate" Plaque Award to Carol Danielson, March 2000, at the Quebec American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics meeting

United States Department of Energy Distinguished Associate Award presented to Carol Danielson for your critical role in organizing and sustaining national and international education outreach activities as a part of the U.S. Fusion program. Your work in this area has been of tremendous benefit to the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences in its endeavor to encourage students in the pursuit of math and science as a career choice. The Plasma Science Expositions and the first U.S./Russian Olympiad on Physics which was conducted via the Internet, highlight your skill, enthusiasm, and vision for these important activities. Bill Richardson Secretary of Energy March 2000

Fusion Power Associates Plaque Award to Carol Danielson:

Fusion Power Associates
 in Recognition and Appreciation of Your Efforts to Educate Students, Teachers and the General Public about the Benefits of Fusion July 12, 2000

Received a rating of "Excellent" for our interactive gaming STARPOWER CD in Physics Education, March 2001, Institute of Physics,

San Diego City Schools, Partnerships in Education 10 Year Recognition Award to General Atomics for 10 Years of Commitment to Public Education May 1992 - May 2002

San Diego City Schools Award to Patricia Winter for Exemplary Support and Commitment to Partnerships in Education. May 2002

San Diego Science Alliance, Partner of the Year Award, Presented to Larry Woolf, General Atomics. March 2004

For sharing the understandings of scientific phenomena and his ability to take a complex concept and make it accessible to all students

"Tribute to General Atomics" Congressional Record, House of Reps, Oct. 8, 2004 Proceedings and debate of the 108th Congress, second session:

"General Atomics is a valued member of the technical community and a true partner in education. Their generous efforts have helped make science and technology interesting and accessible to thousands of students in the Inland Empire, throughout Southern California, and beyond."

From the Riverside STEP (Science Technology Education Partnership) Committee, Chaired by Congressman Ken Calvert: Corporate Award: "General Atomics 2005 STEP Awardee"

"In recognition of your corporate dedication and excellence in improving science and technology education through your mission."

San Diego Science Educators Association. Community Service Award to Patricia Winter, for Excellence in Science Education. June 2006

1999 Fellowship in American Physical Society to David Schissel “For developing innovative video and web-based K-12 resources for plasma physics and for providing student access to experimental facilities at the cutting edge of plasma physics research.”

2010 Fellowship in American Physical Society to Lawrence Woolf “For extensive work in teacher professional development, for assistance to California school districts, and for leadership in K-12 science education at a national level.”

2019 General Atomics wins Air Force Association Citation of Honor for STEM education outreach programs.

2024 General Atomics Sciences Education Foundation receives award for Outstanding Corporate Contribution to the Community by the San Diego Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)